Craft Night In...

Created by Bex and El the founders behind StuffedNonsense, Craft Night In is a monthly event (last saturday of everymonth) held at the wonderful Cafe 51 in Cheltenham, 7-9pm.Its for all peeps who like to sew, draw, knit, hook, stitch, glue....or anything else! A chance to meet up, drink some tea, eat some cake and have a chin wag, whilst indulging in our crafty habit!

Everyone is welcome so why not grab a project your working on and head on down!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Were You There? Or Were You Square...

The Craft Night in on Wednesday was wonderful! Such a range of crafts going on and such a lovely chatty atmosphere, i cant wait for the next one on the 29th of September!Here are some snappy snaps of what was going on...A really great turnout, but room for if your thinking about it please come along, it would be lovely to meet you!!Some knitted bows in preparation of Sophia opening her own etsy shop...maybe.
Quilt Love!!Wonderful necklaces being made (i think i need this one!)And some happy hooking!
There were lots more pictures taken but blogspot is being ridiculously slow with the upload so I'll leave them for now!
Sooo, I'll see you all next time??
Wednesday the 29th of September at The Strand, The High Street, Cheltenham