Craft Night In...

Created by Bex and El the founders behind StuffedNonsense, Craft Night In is a monthly event (last saturday of everymonth) held at the wonderful Cafe 51 in Cheltenham, 7-9pm.Its for all peeps who like to sew, draw, knit, hook, stitch, glue....or anything else! A chance to meet up, drink some tea, eat some cake and have a chin wag, whilst indulging in our crafty habit!

Everyone is welcome so why not grab a project your working on and head on down!

Friday, June 25, 2010


Hello lovelies.
we are really sorry but there have been some un-expected change of plans and dates for the next craft night in (26th of June) we have had to change plans rather quickly and have now re-scheduled for the 10th of June.
we are really sorry to spring it on you so late in the day but these things happen.
looking forward to seeing you all soon
once more, our apologies!!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Its this time allready!??

Hello lovely craftsters,
how have you been doing?
Terribly sorry for our shocking presence here at Craft Night In, no excuse other than we've been busy at the shop. Rest assured however that we will be more on the ball from this day!
The next Craft Night In is booked for the 26th of June 7-9 (same time) at Cafe 51 (same place).
As is typical when you need something to work...we are experiencing trouble with a key piece of technology, namely our scanner! Which means that we can't scan in a map of where the cafe is but if you are local to cheltenham, Cafe 51 is on the highstreet and is very close to The Swan, The Strand and The Vine (three rather lovely drinking establishments). Basically if you keep heading down the highstreet going past the Beechwood arcade, past Iceland, past the Hogshead, past the ymca charity shop and past the funeral parlour you will see cafe 51 on your left.
As usual if your thinking of coming along just bring something you've been working on with you, i think I'm going to bring along a load of dustbunnies to sew up....and probably my mum as shes up visiting and always willing to have a play with some needles and threads!!
hopefully see you there.